Your Guide
Jon French has over 35 years experience in leading sporting activities, and there are not many sports that he hasn't tried. Jon moved to Nesselwang in 1992, after 17 years service in the British Army. He became an active member of the Nesselwang Sports Club. Soon after, he started the Fitness Group and Bike Club, which he still enjoys leading to this day. Mountain biking at home and abroad, Nordic walking, jogging, aerobics, volleyball, rope skipping, skiing and circuit training are just some of the activities that he offers.
He is an active mountain biker, Nordic Walking and Ski Instructor, and has had several years experience working in the leisure industry. As a bicycle and ski salesman and maintenance technician he has gained a thorough knowledge of all maintenance requirements and repair techniques. He loves the outdoor life and really enjoys working with people, especially when he can share his knowledge and experience with others.
Jon was one of the first Nordic Walkers in Germany, and saw the advantages of Nordic Walking long before it became a popular sport. With his long experience as Ski and Sport Teacher he quickly became one of the most popular Nordic Walking Instructors.
Fun & Safety
His activities as an Aerobics and Sports coach, Ski and Nordic Walking Instructor, Mountainbiking at home and abroad, show that here is a man at work who really has fun sharing his deep knowledge and the enthusiasm for sports with others.
At the same time he would like to share with you his enthusiasm for his adopted country with all it's beauties.
Take a tour with Jon's Adventures, and learn more about him and the Allgäu.
His Motto is: It`s nice to be nice!